Create (Dockerfile)
POST /applications/dockerfile
Create new application based on a simple Dockerfile.
Request Body required
Application object that needs to be created.
The project UUID.
The server UUID.
The environment name. You need to provide at least one of environment_name or environment_uuid.
The environment UUID. You need to provide at least one of environment_name or environment_uuid.
The Dockerfile content.
The build pack type.
The ports to expose.
The destination UUID.
The application name.
The application description.
The application domains.
The docker registry image name.
The docker registry image tag.
The ports mappings.
The base directory for all commands.
Health check enabled.
Health check path.
Health check port.
Health check host.
Health check method.
Health check return code.
Health check scheme.
Health check response text.
Health check interval in seconds.
Health check timeout in seconds.
Health check retries count.
Health check start period in seconds.
Memory limit.
Memory swap limit.
Memory swappiness.
Memory reservation.
CPU limit.
CPU set.
CPU shares.
Custom labels.
Custom docker run options.
Post deployment command.
Post deployment command container.
Pre deployment command.
Pre deployment command container.
Manual webhook secret for Github.
Manual webhook secret for Gitlab.
Manual webhook secret for Bitbucket.
Manual webhook secret for Gitea.
How to set redirect with Traefik / Caddy. www<->non-www.
The flag to indicate if the application should be deployed instantly.
Use build server.
Application created successfully.
Invalid token.
Invalid token.