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Common Issues

UI Issues

Slow UI or Pages Not Loading

If you experience slow UI performance or pages not loading properly, this is probably caused by Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader feature.

You can disable Cloudflare Rocket Loader in your Cloudflare dashboard under Speed > Optimization > Rocket Loader.

Docker Issues

Expired GitHub Personal Access Token

You might encounter one of these errors:

Terminal window
Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: authentication required


Terminal window
Unable to find image '' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Head "": denied: denied

These errors indicate that Docker cannot authenticate with the GitHub Container Registry ( To resolve this, you can either:

  1. Log out of the GitHub Container Registry (
Terminal window
docker logout
  1. Or renew your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) if you need to maintain authenticated access for deployments for example.

Raspberry Pi Crashes

If you are using a Raspberry Pi with only 2GB of RAM, you may experience system crashes even with swap space enabled. This probably occurs because Raspberry PIs often use SD cards which are slower than SSDs and can be unstable.

The solution is to either:

  • Upgrade to a modern Raspberry Pi with 4GB+ of RAM, or
  • Limit Docker’s memory usage by adding the following to your /etc/docker/daemon.json file:
"memory": "1.8g"