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GitHub App

This guide will show you how to use manually setup an existing Github App or how to change a currently configured one.

Since 4.0.0-beta.399 you are able to change all the Github App details inside Coolify.

On Github

  1. You will need the App ID, Client ID, a Client Secret (generated), Github App Name, Webhook Secret. You can find these on your Github App configuration page.

  2. Generate a Private Key on your Github App configuration page (if you already have one, ignore this).

  3. Set the Homepage URL to

  4. Set the Setup URL to the following:<source_uuid> where source_uuid will be the newly created source in Coolify.

  5. Activate Webhook and set the Webhook URL to

  6. Set the Webhook Secret.

  7. In the Install App section, Install the app to the organization you want to use.

  8. Copy the Installation ID from the URL of the page after you installed the Github App.

  9. In the Permissions & Events section, set the following permissions: Repository permissions:

    • Contents: read
    • Metadata: read
    • Email: read
    • Pull Request: read & write (optional, if you want to use the pull request feature)

On Coolify

  1. Add the Private Key generated in the previous step as a new Private Key in the Keys & Tokens section.
  2. Go to the Sources page and click on the + button or edit the existing one.
  3. Fill the name and the organization name (optional). Press Continue.
  4. Click on the Continue button on the Manual Installation section.
  5. Enter the Github App Name, App ID, Installation ID, Client ID, Client Secret , Webhook Secret, select the Private Key you added in step 0 and Save.
  6. If you filled everything correctly, click on the Sync Name button. If no errors, then you are done.