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Oracle Cloud

If you are using Oracle Cloud free ARM server, you need to do a few extra steps to use it in Coolify, as a Coolify instance or just a remote server.

Normal user

Non-root user is in experimental mode and works with sudo.

  • Make sure the ssh key is added to the user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
  • All configuration is set for sudo. Details here.

Setup Root User

By default, you can't login as root user. You need to do the following steps to enable root user.

  1. Switch to root user sudo su -
  2. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change PermitRootLogin to without-password.
  3. Restart ssh service service sshd restart
  4. Add a public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file which is also defined in your Coolify instance.

Firewall Rules

This is only required if you self-host Coolify on Oracle ARM server.

By default, Oracle ARM server has a firewall enabled and you need to allow some ports to use Coolify.

For more details, check this page.