API request requires a Bearer token in Authorization header, which could be generated from the UI.

Generate a Token

  1. Go to Keys & Tokens / API tokens.
  2. Define a name for your token and click Create New Token.

You will see the token once, so make sure to copy it and store it in a safe place.


The token will only be able to access resources that are owned by the team that the token is scoped to.

# Sample token


Currently there are three types of permissions:

  • read-only (default)
  • view:sensitive
  • * (all permissions)


With this permission, you can only read data from the API, but you can’t create, update, or delete any resources. Also you can’t see sensitive data.


Without this permission, passwords, api keys, and other sensitive data will be redacted from the API response.


Full access to all resources and sensitive data.