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Sentinel and Metrics


This is an experimental feature.

Sentinel Overview

Sentinel is an open-source lightweight container that provides:

  • Linux system API
  • Server resource monitoring (CPU, RAM usage for now)
  • Container resource monitoring (CPU, RAM usage for now)



Enable Sentinel

  1. Navigate to Servers > <YOUR_SERVER> > Configurations > General
  2. Find the Sentinel section
  3. Toggle Enable Sentinel
  4. Wait a few moments for the container to be downloaded and start.

Enable Metrics (Optional)

In the same section, you can enable metrics. Once enabled, you will be able to view the following metrics:

  • CPU usage
  • Memory consumption (RAM Usage)


Metrics collection is currently NOT available for Docker Compose and Service Template based deployments.

Viewing Metrics

Server Metrics

Access server-wide metrics at:

Servers > <YOUR_SERVER> > Configurations > Metrics

Container Metrics

View individual container metrics:

  1. Navigate to the specific resource
  2. Go to the Configurations tab
  3. Select the Metrics tab