The configuration is slightly different for Standard Applications and Docker Compose based applications/one-click services.

All you need to do is to set custom labels on your application.

Standard Applications


You most likely have a traefik.http.middlewares label already set. In that case, you can append the <random_unique_name> middleware to the existing value. For example:


In the example above, we are using test as username and test as password.

Docker Compose based Applications & one-click Services

You only need to add the basicauth middleware.

      - 'traefik.http.middlewares.<random_unique_name>.basicauth.users=test:$2y$12$ci.4U63YX83CwkyUrjqxAucnmi2xXOIlEF6T/KdP9824f1Rf1iyNG'

In the example above, we are using test as username and test as password.

Enable Escape special characters in labels? when applying basic auth labels.

How to generate user/password?

You need to set your username and password in the basicauth.users label.

You can generate one with the htpasswd command:

htpasswd -nbB test test